Meet pyiron's growing team of amazing developers and collaborators.
Interested in contributing to pyiron? Contact us
or open an issue/
pull request on
the Github page.
Jan Janssen
Lead Developer
Joerg Neugebauer
Project Lead
Liam Huber
Core Developer
Osamu Waseda
Core Developer
Marvin Poul
Core Developer
Niklas Siemer
Core Developer
Steering Committee
Mira Todorova (MPIE)
Christoph Freysoldt (MPIE)
Tilmann Hickel (MPIE)
Blazej Grabowski (Uni-Stuttgart)
Ralf Drautz (ICAMS)
Thomas Hammerschmidt (ICAMS)
Yury Lysogorskiy (ICAMS)
Github Contributors
Ugur Aydin
Developer of pyCMW (pyiron predecessor)
Ankit Gupta
Kinetic Monte Carlo implementation
Murat Celik
Sqlalchemy-based database adapter
Navid Shayanfar
Parser for SPHInX
Martin Boeckmann
Metropolis Monte Carlo implementation
Murali Uddagiri
Generation of special quasirandom structures
Markus Tautschning
Structure optimization with VASP
Uday Gajera
Automated analysis of existing DFT data sets
Ning Wang
Using pyiron for TEM postprocessing
Muhammad Hassani
Development of the docker infrastructure for workshops and tutorials
Sudarsan Surendralal
Leading the development of the VASP interface